We are a group of 238 employees who work at Mt. Hood Community College. We serve students in a variety of ways – everything from Admissions, Advising, Financial Aid, the Library, Accessible Education Services, Public Safety, Maintenance & Facilities, the Student Union, Tutoring & Academic Coaching, Payroll, ESL & GED, the Testing Center, and High School Services to Community Education, Veteran Services, Online Learning, Information Technology, Student Basic Needs, Barney’s Pantry, the Aquatic Center and more. We serve in nearly every department on (and off) campus.


The MHCC college administration declares a message of equity and accountability in their strategic plan, but they are not implementing these claims in reality.

We have been in contract bargaining with them since January 2024, asking for equitable cost of living increases that are on par with what faculty and management at MHCC have already received. Our last contract expired on July 1, 2024, and we’ve been working since then without a contract.

Our “demands” are reasonable and attainable. We’ve seen the college budget and know they can afford what we are asking for.

So far, the MHCC administration has refused to listen. If they don’t recognize our value as employees who are essential for the college to operate, then we have no other option than to strike in order to demonstrate how valuable we really are.


If Mt. Hood Community College’s administration refuses to treat us equitably, forcing us to go on strike, it would negatively impact every student’s ability to apply to MHCC, register for classes, and receive financial aid for their studies. We do not want this to happen because we have dedicated our lives to putting students first. But if the MHCC administration refuses to listen to us, a strike is the only way to make our voice heard.


Express your concern and show support by clicking the button below and signing our support petition.

By signing the support petition, you are telling the MHCC administration to live up to their own standards of equity so we can avoid a strike and continue to serve students.

Please spread the word to your friends, family, and the community by sharing the link to this website!